*What the USDA Doesn't Want You to Know About Antibiotics and Factory Farms: This is a great article that explains the dangers of antibiotics that are found inside most of the conventional meat supply today.
"Altogether, the US meat industry uses 29 million pounds of antibiotics every year. To put that number in perspective, consider that we humans in the United States—in all of our prescription fill-ups and hospital stays combined—use just over 7 million pounds per year. Thus the vast bulk of antibiotics consumed in this country, some 80 percent, goes to factory animal farms."*
Therefore, it is safe to say that if you are eating conventional meat, you are indirectly consuming antibiotics. What does this mean? Well, first of all, it is creating antibiotic resistant bacteria inside of you, which is very dangerous. "A single antibiotic-resistant pathogen, MRSA—just one of many now circulating among Americans—now claims more lives each year than AIDS."*
But second of all, eating meat may be making your health worse. Remember when I mentioned IC and the yeast connection? (If you don't know what this means, please go read my last post!) An overgrowth of yeast candida is caused by use of antibiotics, birth control pills and/or improper diet. This can cause a variety of different health problems, including IC. From the Yeast Connection:
"Chronic health conditions are quite a mystery. Every book you read, every physician you visit says something different. You collect clues but rarely find clear-cut answers on one basic cause that experts agree on of what is influencing your body and making you feel bad.
The role candida plays in chronic pain and disease is no exception. Yeast overgrowth disturbs your intestinal tract lining, allowing allergens and toxins into your circulation while your immune system becomes to weak to handle the influx. This combination is one of many variables that play a role in a diverse group of seemingly unrelated health problems – not just vaginal yeast infections. These range from PMS, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and interstitial cystitis, just to name a few."
Unfortunately, eating conventional meat contributes to the amount of antibiotics you ingest, leading to an imbalance in your body. This is one of the many reasons I choose to be a raw vegan. (Abstaining from meat while doing a healing or detox program is also a good idea.) If you do choose to eat meat, make sure it's organic and free-range to assure you do not eat any antibiotics. I would also suggest taking some good probiotics to help supply you with good bacteria to balance yourself back out!
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