Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Alkalize to Heal (The REAL IC Diet)

I tried following the IC Diet, which seemed to help somewhat, but never provided me with the relief I was looking for. I've heard many others with the same results. This is because the IC Diet still contains many ACIDIC foods that irritate the bladder and the body as a whole.

When looking for a natural healing alternative, I stumbled upon the Acid/Alkaline diet. This makes much more sense to me. Acidosis forms in the body when there is too much acidic foods/beverages, too much stress, toxins, chemicals, etc. for the body to handle. Acidosis causes a weakened immune system which can lead to a wide variety of health issues & chronic illness.

Great article:How's your pH? Acid or Alkaline?

Your body's acid-alkaline balance, also known as pH, can effect your overall well-being. All foods have the ability to change your body's normal pH. In a healthy person, the body balances their pH naturally if they become too acidic or too alkaline. However, imbalance can set in if the body is dealing with too many acid-forming foods and too much stress. Perpetual imbalance leads to disease. If you have IC, then most likely, your body is off balance and very acidic. Good health depends on an internal alkaline environment. A properly alkalized body plays a significant role in restoring and maintaining health. The body's glands and organs function according to the amount of alkaline and acid levels in our system. Therefore, if the body is off balance, it stops working efficiently. Finding the balance between too acidic and too alkaline can be a challenge in today's stressful, fast-food society.

Those of us with IC have a very diseased and acid body. The goal is to alkalize the body and heal that disease! This is done with proper nutrition. The main way to alkalize the body is to eat vegetables! Raw fruits and vegetables help balance the body's pH level and reduce acid-accumulation that deteriorates health. There are many different Acid vs Alkaline Food Charts available online to serve as a general guide on which foods you should eat to promote alkalization. Each food list varies a bit, but the main thing they all have in common is that the majority of fruits, vegetables, nuts & seeds are alkalizing, while most meat, dairy, bread, fats & sugars are acidic. This is why eating a raw food diet or a plant-based diet will help heal you!

Sources: Acid vs Alkaline in the body

Alkaline vs Acidity for the Body

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